Sylvester Sessions #110

Sylvester Sessions #110

Sylvester Sessions #110

Erny Belle

Auckland, New Zealand
Aimee wears pieces from Kate Sylvester W24 and Sylvester W24
Photography by Finn Bowman


Congratulations on your new album ‘Not Your Cupid’ with Flying Nun. We are currently playing it on repeat in the Kate Sylvester design room. Can you tell us a bit about it?

Thank you! I recorded Not Your Cupid in March of 2023 with my band at Round Head Studios. It feels like a collection of songs inspired by past, present and future and the archer archetype. It felt more romanticised and explorative in comparison to the last album. I got to play with new instruments (Sitar, Synth, Viola) that set different moods and eras. So in some ways, I think of it like a play or a film made up of different scenes. 

What are your earliest memories of being drawn to music?

I remember hearing a karanga as a child when I was about 6 and crying uncontrollably and not knowing why. I'm drawn to music or sound because of how it moves me or sparks me up. I think this was my first experience of something sonic and spiritual hitting my soul simultaneously. Aside from that, I was obsessed with all the classic pop stars of the 90's and early 2000's. I really liked Shania Twain and Nelly Furtardo. 

You previously worked as a costume designer/stylist so have a background in fashion. Both can be a powerful form of self-expression, do you consciously use your style to bring together the story of Erny Belle?

My mind works visually so costume is just an extension of those ideas within the music. There's just a whole bunch of different characters going on, even I'm starting to get a bit lost. 

What are you currently reading/ listening to/ watching? 

I’ve nearly finished House of Earth by Woodie Guthrie, which I adore and have started Wifedom by Anna Funder and Drive your Plow Over The Bones Of The Dead by Olga Tokarczuk. I’ve been enjoying listening to 60’s reggae and some electronic stuff. I've been enjoying an artist called Tornado Wallace. I've found it refreshing to listen to anything outside of the genre I'm in. 

Do you have any rituals in how you go about your music?

When I write intentionally I do feel like I go into a scared space so I do things to clear my mind. I like walking and being sort of prayerful and gentle and patient. Other times I hold myself ransom until I rip my heart out. Depends on what needs to get out I suppose. 

What do you look forward to most in Winter?

Trench coats, wooly socks and furry hats!!!

What are you most excited about for the future?

Love and happiness and much, much more music. 





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